

  • Are these your pens (重写句子,是意思与原句基本相同)

    Are these_pens yours


    划具体时间 What time 也可用 When

    划在for 或者since上 用how long

    例如:He has been dead for two weeks.他死勒两星期勒.

    划在for two weeks 就用how long


    例如:l live here since l was a child.我住在这里当我还是个孩子的时候.

    这是候划在since l was a child就用when.

    划地点 用where

    划在定语上 例如:the red book划在red上 用which提问 which book?

    划在职业或者是物品上 用what

    例如:l'm a student.划在student 就用what

    例如:l want an apple.划在an apple 就用what

    划在感觉或是方法上 用how

    例如:l'm very happy.划在very happy 就用how

    例如:we must save water by not playing with water.

    划在by not playing with water 就用how 因为这里是指不浪费水的方法

    划在距离 用how far.

    划在 in 加一段时间,并且句型是将来时 用how soon

    例如:my father will be back in one week.

    划在in one week 就用how soo