

  • 你问的是不是因该是to do 和doing 如果是的话 容易解决


    首先doing是do 的现在分词情况下边是to do 和doing 的短语希望能帮到你

    want sb to do sth

    make sb do sth

    mind doing sth

    finish to do sth

    finish doing sth

    like to do sth

    like doing sth

    listen to sth

    hear sb to do sth

    forget to do sth

    forget doing sth

    how to do sth

    used to do sth

    by dong sth

    wait sb to do sth

    hope to do sth

    sb want to do sth

    be busy doing sth

    do one's best todo sth

    sb need to do sth

    try to do sth

    tell sb to do sth

    tell sb not to do sth

    stop sb from doing sth

    have trouble doing sth

    lend sb to do sth

    manage to do sth

    go on doing sth

    be interested in doing sth

    be afraid to do sth do sth

    end up doing sth

    get used to do sth

    What about doing sth

    would like to do sth

    mind one's doing sth

    be make up of doing sth

    get to do sth

    become expect at doing sth

    succeed in doing sth

    ask sb about doing sth

    arrived in doing sth

    love to do sth

    love doing sth

    it is time to do sth

    enjoy doing sth

    do well in doing sth

    the best way to do sth

    you'd better to do sth

    practice doing sth

    watch sb to do sth

    decide to do sth

    give up doing sth

    agree to do sth

    see sb doing sth

    allowed sb to do sth

    invite sb to do sth

    make a conctribution to doing sth

    prevent from doing sth

    remember to do sth

    remember not to do sth

    remember doing sth

    drop doing sth

    drop to do sth

    consider doing sth

    pretend to do sth

    prefer to do sth

    can't stand doing sth

    be shocked by doing sth