the Supportive Coursework provides konwledge necessary to de


  • 一、释疑

    1—Supportive Coursework


    2—konwledge necessary

    这里 necessary 是形容词,与后面的不定式 to develop the ability to safely and effectively practice recreational therapy 构成不定式短语.用短语作定语必须放在被修饰名词的后面,这是英语的特点.

    konwledge necessary to develop the ability to …可以改写定语从句 knowledge that is necessary to develop the ability to… 意思是“有必要把这种能力逐步培养成安全有效的实践娱乐疗法”

    3—the Supportive Coursework is required for the major or specialization

    把它变成主动语态就是 :require… for sth.要求…为某物.be required for 意思是“被要求作为/按规定成为”,因此这个句子可以翻译为“辅助疗程工程按要求作为主修课程或者专业课程”

    4—关于 recreational thearpy 和 therapeutic recreation 的翻译.


    二、关于翻译:the Supportive Coursework provides konwledge necessary to develop the ability to safely and effectively practice recreational thearpy or therapeutic recreation

    1-the Supportive Coursework provides konwledge necessary 和 2-the Supportive Coursework provides konwledge necessary to develop the ability 不能割裂开看,第二个才是完整的.…


    3-the Supportive Coursework provides konwledge necessary to develop the ability to safely and effectively practice recreational thearpy or therapeutic recreation
