Here is a report of the weather in Hanggzhou .


  • Hangzhou will have a cloudy day on Friday.杭州星期五多云.There will be a strong wind .有强风.

    The highest temperature will be 20 and the lowest will be 14.最高温度20摄氏度,最低温度14摄氏度.

    There will be a little rain on Saturday .星期六有小雨.

    The temperature will be 11 to 18.温度在11到18摄氏度之间.

    It will be fine tomorrow .And the sunny days will keep there days.接下来的天气不错.天气晴好.


    Friday:High:20 Low:14 Weather:cloudy

    Saturday:high:18 low:11 weather:rainy

    2,spring 温度就像是这几天的,所以我猜是春天
