

  • 小题1:What size do you want?

    小题2:Have you got any other colors?

    小题3:How much are they?

    小题4:May I have a discount?

    小题5:You can have them.

    小题1:答语是Size eight or nine.可知是问你想要什么尺寸的。What size do you want?

    小题2:从答语:Oh, yes. We’ve got blue, white and brown ones.可知是问有其他什么颜色?Have you got any other colors?

    小题3:从答语:Forty-six yuan.可知是问How much are they?他们有多少钱?

    小题4:从答语:How about forty?可知是希望打折:May I have a discount?

    小题5:从前面的all right.可知是成交了:You can have them.