以一次烧烤命名,写一篇英语短文 至少50个单词(标点符号不算)


  • I to the speed of the unexpected took a chicken leg on "a rock-solid" on the barbed wire, and from time to time search, sometimes with a little sweet, and sometimes add some chili powder, slowly, fine bouquet, you can't help speaking well: "delicious!" One side of MaZhiYuan more worried, can say like an ant on a hot pan-around, but a watched pot never boils, not roast too coke too, is bloody and not familiar, spirit he straight to his feet. "Almost out of wood, this do?" Don't know who said a voice, "little devil" ShiZhen far then turned into "elaborated," MaZhiYuan just fall on the ground in the mutton string baked in the fire, mutton string a run into hot carbon, horse "snaps" burning up, joy child out is going to plug into the mutton string mouth off in the fire also, laugh all mouths. Yuan is a see chicken leg, a drink and eat get not as well joy, return in mouth phrase in: "good good! There is the delicious food, but very beautiful world enjoy also!" Words made everyone laugh, laughter echoed in the barbecue over...

    The barbecue, it helps me to broaden my horizon, a growth of knowledge, I love barbecue!(我以猝不及防的速度拿出一只鸡腿放在“坚如磐石”的铁丝网上,不时翻一下,不时蘸点甜面酱,又不时加点辣椒粉,慢慢地,芳香扑鼻,大家忍不住啧啧称赞:“好香啊!”一旁的马致远更加心急如焚,可以说像热锅上的蚂蚁——团团转,但心急吃不了热豆腐,不是烤得太焦了吧,就是血淋淋的烧不熟,气得他直跺脚.“快没柴了,这可怎么办呢?”不知谁说了一声,“调皮鬼”施臻远这时变成了“智多星”,把马致远刚才掉在地上的羊肉串放进火中烤,羊肉串一碰到热炭,马上“噼噼啪啪”地燃烧起来,乐得童进涛正往嘴里塞的羊肉串也掉在火中,笑得大家合不拢嘴.袁见则一口鸡腿,一口饮料,吃得不亦乐乎,嘴里还念念有词:“好吃!好吃!有此美味佳肴,乃人间极美享受也!”一番话逗得大家哈哈大笑,笑声回荡在烧烤场地上空……

    这次烧烤,它使我开阔了眼界,增长了知识,我爱烧烤!)你给我原文 我还可以给你翻译 没有原文 我也不知道你的范围是多少在网上找的文章 我翻译了下 希望能帮到你!