同义句转换在线回答He hopes he can see the words on the blackboard cle
He hopes to see the words on the blackboard clearly.
Are you going to watch TV in the evening
He can,t see any thing on the blackboard(改为同义句)
he hopes that he can go and watch the game.同义句转换 he hopes___
he can not see anying on the biackboard同义句 he can______ ____
I can't see the words on the blackboard c____ without glasse
I can't see the words on the blackboard because the boy ( )m
If you can’t see the words written on the blackboard very we
give me my glasses,i can __ see the words on the blackboard答
After he said these words,he went out of the room.(同义句转换)
After he said these words, he went out of the room(同义句转换)
He hopes that he can pass the maths eam.改为同义句