英语翻译公交车上    扒手:看到人群拥挤上车,开心非常:“车内头碰头,乱成一锅粥,趁机显身手,不偷白不偷.”  扒手:


  • Bus

    Pickpocket: see the crowd on the train, very happy: "car head meet, 乱成一锅粥, took the opportunity to show their skills, do not steal the white do not steal."

    Pickpockets: nearly fainted, "there is no mistake? So exaggerated. It seems this is not only to improve the skills, but also to exercise!"

    Pickpockets: squeeze finally got to the car, took a deep breath "hard points, tasty thick inside yuan grace, or as soon as possible to start it, maybe catch up to go back and look at the Super Girl concert?" Slowly near the passenger a.

    Pickpockets: calm, "I'm sorry, very crowded, and placed in the wrong pocket!"

    Pickpockets: chuckle, "I knew this uncle said, a new era has arrived!"

    Pickpockets in turn hands into the passenger A trouser pockets and his wallet taken out slowly. Unexpectedly, grabbed the passenger A.

    Pickpocket: "let go ... let go!"

    Pickpocket: "to steal your wallet? Wow, what can you eat, then can not Luanjiang Oh!" Force the hand retracted, the wallet fell to the ground.

    Pickpockets: unscrupulous "steal your stuff? Steal what you pull? Ah! Who can see I steal your things, you who see me to steal?" Around with.

    Pickpockets: more arrogant, pointing to the passenger A "lemon head, the mouse eye, aquiline nose guy, you wordy Rory, be careful that I hit you with your mother did not know you!"

    Pickpockets: Opening the passenger A, raised his fist, as if! "Yes, I do not seem to hit you face peach blossom, you will not know Why Are the Flowers So Red!"

    Pickpockets: panic and tension "What is it, he framed a good man, obviously own wallet out, always have the evidence, who saw me stealing pull? Ah?" Look around did not respond, the sound up.

    Pickpockets: very flustered "parking, parking, and I want to get off, to tell you, I'm the resident account.? No stop sign can not stop? Rely on the stop sign I even told you ass!"