英语翻译1、花生白果炒香 稍微摊凉后脱去外衣 放入干磨杯搅拌2-3次后再倒入糯米粉搅拌2-3次即可;2、加入水搅拌均匀后


  • How to make peanut paste

    1 Fry peanut and ginkgo till they smells good .Cold them a little and peel off the hull .Then put them into the dry grinding cup and stir them 2 or 3 times.Put the glutinous rice flour in and stir 2 or 3 times,too.

    2 Add some water ,stir them in ballance and boil them .Put suger or crystal sugar as suitable as you like.And boil them with continuously stiring in order to avoid adhering .

    3 Everything is OK when the sugar completely melt and all the materials turn into pasty.