综合填空(请求援助啊)Have you been invited to have dinner by an Americ


  • Have you been invited to have dinner by an American friend?Do you konw some

    table m_anners______of America?I think n_obody_____wants to behave badly at table.Here

    I will give you several pieces of advice.

    1.When helping a women P_ut___her chair towards the table,hold it and guide it,Don‘t shove it against the back of her legs.

    2.If you’re seated at a table with eight or fewer guests,wait for e_veryone_____to be served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in.

    3.If you prefer not to have w__ine______while having dinner ,don't make a big deal of saying you dom't drink .Simply place your fingertigs on the rim of the glass and say,"Not today ,________."

    4.If you're eating and want to take a sip,clean your mouth with your napkinto a_fter____

    syaning the rim of the glass.