英语单选题231.– Do you like watching football matches?– ( ).A.Tha


  • 31.– Do you like watching football matches?– (D ).

    A.Thank you for inviting me

    B.I don't like watching it on TV,either

    C.I hear the football match will be put off

    D.Football?No.It's a waste of time

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    32.– Excuse me,when is the next flight from London due to arrive?– (A ).

    A.In half an hour

    B.An hour before

    C.Until the next one

    D.Before another one

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    33.– Can I help you to get it down?– (C ).

    A.No problem

    B.Yes.Let's get it

    C.Thanks.It's so nice of you

    D.It's no trouble at all

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    34.– Hello,Sally.How's everything?– (D ).

    A.Good for you

    B.Oh,I agree

    C.That's right

    D.Just so-so

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    35.– Linda,can you give me a lift after work?– ( D).

    A.It's very kind of you to do so

    B.Thank you for your offer

    C.Never mind.I'll go shopping

    D.No problem.We go the same direction

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    36.– Will you have some dessert,Judy?– ( A).

    A.No,thank you.I'm on a diet

    B.Yes,I've had enough

    C.You are so good at making it

    D.Oh,I don't mind

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    37.– Could I borrow your CD of English songs?– (B ).

    A.No,I am not available

    B.I'm sorry.It's not at hand now

    C.It's very kind of you

    D.Thank you very much

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    38.– Which language do you speak at home?– ( D).

    A.I speak English very well

    B.I can speak English and French

    C.English is my mother tongue

    D.English,most of the time

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    39.Given the high price,(C )it's not surprising they didn't buy it.





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    40.– Ami,I want this report typed today.– ( )A.

    A.It'll be ready in the afternoon,sir

    B.I'd like you to help me

    C.I know nothing about the report

    D.Leave it to tomorrow

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    41.– Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?– (B ).

    A.Yes,but I'll have English classes

    B.Sorry.I have an appointment with Dr.Brown

    C.I'm afraid I have no idea

    D.I won't.It's kind of you

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    42.If he was fitter,he(C )live longer.





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    43.– Where to?I'm so thirsty.– (B

    A.Why don't we go now

    B.Why don't we enjoy some beer at that bar

    C.Why didn't you look up the map

    D.Why didn't you tell me about it earlier

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    44.– Is there a drugstore near here?– ( D).

    A.It's very small

    B.It's very crowded

    C.It's a cheap one

    D.Yes,there is a big one

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    45.Could you please pay me( C)advance?





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