将下列汉堡包制作方法补充完整 1.(),cut the bread into two halves 2.(),()bee


  • 将下列汉堡包制作方法补充完整

    1.(First),cut the bread into two halves

    2.(Next),(put)beef or fried chicken ,cheese and lettuce(into)the bread.

    3.(Then),put the two pieces of fried of bread together.

    4.(Finally),heat the bread(in)one minute .A hamburger is(ready).


    A.What can I do(for)you ,sir

    B.Yes ,I want to buy a (pair)of shoes.

    A.(What)(colour) do you like?


    A.(What)(size) do you wear

    B.Size 42

    A.(How) do you like this pair

    B.It’s OK .Can I (try) them (on)?

    A.Sure .Let me help you

    B.Good .(How) (much) are the shoes

    A.299 yuan

    B.OK.I’ll (take) this pair.