用初二英语写一个电影评论 英汉


  • Story to the rapid economic development of Shanghai this beautiful and fashionable city as the background, tells the story of the Lin Xiao perspective, as well as her and started from the high school of deep feelings, have different values and outlook on life's good friend Gu Li, southern Hunan, Tang like, has experienced great changes in friendship, love, and the affection, is a true portrayal of a modern young people living on a side. Since the beginning of the story, Lin Xiao, Gu Li, southern Hunan, Tang as the University, such as high as to each other, a deep friendship, then contact the reality of life in each other, transformation and traces the growth occurred in some places, their boyfriend and other people in a variety of complex relations and the story, cause many misunderstandings and envy, and continue to live do not understand, quarrel, and the good life. But all things are in change, changes in our environment is also changing their life values. 这是一个梦想闪耀的时代,这也是一个理想冷却的时代;这是最坏的时代,这也是最好的时代,这是我们的 。 这是当下时代一群时尚年轻人的青春故事,也是属于他们生活的真实写照,更是我们这个时代的一个缩影。 This is a dream shine era, this is also an ideal cooling times; it was the worst of times, this is the best of times, this is our tiny times. This is the age group of fashionable young people the story of youth, is a true portrayal of their lives, is a microcosm of our times.