1.There are s______ days in a week .S_________ is the first


  • 1.There are s_even_____ days in a week .S_unday________ is the first day of a week.

    2.There are s_even_____ days in a week .They're S_unday________ ,M_onday_______,T_uesday___________,W_ednesday____________,T_hursday_________,F_riday_____and S_aturday______.

    3.Oranges ,bananas and pears are f_ruits____.4.I like strawberries.They're my f_avorite_____.

    5.It's 12:00.It's time to have l_unch______.6.I like ice-creams because they're s_weet_____.

    7.Amy isn't quiet ,but very a_ctive__________
