What is the pot life and what is the shelf life? Can you giv


  • 什么是试用期,什么是保质期?你能给我几个实例来解释这两个词组吗?

    pot life

    (胶水、树脂等的)适用期;罐藏期;活化寿命 n.胶粘剂适用期

    适用期(Pot life) 它是指环氧树脂从混入固化剂和添加剂开始直到黏度上升到不能使用的时间,也称为使用时间.适用期随固化剂的种类,添加量和环境温度等而变化,这项性能是环氧树脂应用施工工艺中一个重要指标.

    Low temperature flexible,easily pourable RTV Silicone sealant/encapsulant,can be used with a wide variety of curing agents,thus varying pot life,cure time,mix ratios and cure conditions.


    shelf life

    Shelf life 能够放在货架上的日子,也就是保质期

    n (usu sing 通常作单数) time for which a stored item remains usable 贮藏寿命(物品的保存期限)

    We give them something that's healthy,that has an indefinite shelf life,and that is super cheap to produce 我们将提供给他们健康的,无限保质期,又超级便宜的产品

    Milk normally has a shelf life of a week

