

  • 我可是一句一句给你整的,你看清楚呀,别辜负我的心&精力呀.为了这200分,我都暂时放下给学生出卷子的时间了、


    I felt very interesting when I heard about this issue for the first time,"why not a dog's tail sway back and forth,"In face,it's really funny,humorously,if dogs'living environment isn't good enough,or just because the space isn't big enough,and in order to save space ,they sway back and forth,and of couse it's a fallacy,and that's not reliable.There's no scientific basis.

    There's only one reason that dogs swing its tail ,its coccyx can move back and forth,but in fact,that's impossible.The movement of Any part of dogs is in the certain rannge of bones,otherwise it is impossible.

    And there's only one function to swing tails,whether for the humen or homogeneous,they just want to aim to be friendly,and no matter how how they sway,it should accord with the physical.just like humen beings,if let your head turn 180 degrees backward,is it possible?And this is the same reason.