

  • 这是大学生英语竞赛试题

    Section B:There are 10 blanks in the passage.For each blank,some letters of the word has been given (not exceeding 3 letters).Read the passage below and think of the word which best fits each blank.Use only one word in each blank.Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.

    Autism is a general (76)________ for a group of brain disorders that limit the development of social and communication skills,x05 t m

    which (77)________ professionals call autism spectrum disorders.x05 me l

    Experts say autism is permanent and cannot be cured.But x05

    there are ways to treat it that they say can (78) ________ the x05 re e

    severity,and the academy says the earlier treatment begins,x05

    the(79)________ the results.x05 b r

    The medical group released two reports Monday with detailed x05

    information to help doctors (80)________autism.Chris Johnson x05id y

    at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio was one of the authors,who says doctors should look for signsx05

    of autism when they (81)________ babies at eighteen months and x05 ex e

    twenty-four months.x05

    Doctors traditionally (82)________ the possibility of x05co r

    autism only if a child shows delayed (83)________ or unusually x05 sp h

    repetitive behaviors.These may be clear signs of it,but they usually do not appear until a child is two or three years old.x05

    Parents could answer a list of written questions about x05

    their baby,and then the doctor could (84) ________ tests as x05 pe m

    simple as observing the baby's ability to follow a moving object with its eyes.Experts say failing to watch a moving object may be a sign of autism.x05

    Doctors and parents can also look for behaviors that are normal in babies under one year of age.For example,does thex05

    baby appear to (85)________ to a parent's voice?Does the baby x05 re d

    make eye contact?Does the baby wave or point at things?