有谁能提供几个英语句子,同时包含主 谓 宾 定 状 补 表语 同位语 宾语补足语的句子


  • 在一个句子里是不可能同时包含主谓宾定状补,表语,同位语,宾语补足语的,有些成分是不可以同时出现在一个句子中的

    主谓宾:I like apples

    主谓宾定:I like the book which he sent to me

    主谓宾状:I will go to your home when I have finished my homework / She speaks English fluently

    主谓宾定状:I like the book which he sent to me two weeks ago / The students I teach have been made better grades in the past few weeks.

    主谓宾补:We made him our monitor / They elected him president

    主谓表:I am happy

    主谓宾同位:It's a fact that earth turns around the sun
