

  • when our six children were young,Suppertime is(is改为was) always being inrerrupted by neighborhood children (who)ring (rang)the bell ,They wanted (one child or another)(改为one or more children) to come out and played (with them)Finally we had a good idea ,We huny (pasted)a sign on the font door that(which) reed(read) :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to (what they bought )(改为what will happen),(we thought)it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal ,And(改为but) us soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang (加上again),At the front door .Stood on(on改为an) einght -years(years改为year)-old boy.He looked up to us ,Saying''I just want to know how the sign says.'

    改好后的全文如下:when our six children were young,Suppertime (was) always being inrerrupted by neighborhood children( who ring the bell) ,They wanted (one or more children)to come out and played(with them) ,Finally we had a good idea ,We hury(pasted) a sign on the font door (that)(改为which) reed :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to (what they bought)(改为see what will happen) ,(we thought)it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal ,And us soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang ,At the front door .Stood on einght -(years)(year)-old boy.He looked up to us ,Saying''I just want to know how the sign says.'