用所给词的适当形式组成句子1 how much cost this television2 this model les


  • 用所给词的适当形式组成句子

    1 how much does this television cost?

    2 this model is less expensive than that one.

    3 you can pay a deposit of thirty pounds.

    4 millionaire needn't buy thing like these with instalments.

    5 this pencil is not as blunt as that one

    6 none of the passengers can change this note except the tramp

    7 neither have I got small change

    8 I have got no chocolate

    9 someone is knocking on the door now

    10 it's impossible to make joke with him

    判断下列句子是否正确 不正确的请改正

    1 I could not find my pen (everywhere->anywhere).

    2 Be quiet.(Every one -> Everyone) is asleep.

    3 Every coin (have-> has) two sides.

    4 He (droped->dropped) some coins on the floor.

    5 My wife (is->was) cooking while I was working in the garden.

    6 Just as I was opening the door,the telephone (rung->rang).

    7 She slipped while she (got-> was getting) off the bus.

    8 Two (thiefs->thieves) entered the dining room.

    9 He heard her voice and (opened->turned on) the light.

    10 Too late!It (had yet-> has already) happened.