7.The cut on my leg________(流血)a lot when I was hurt yesterd


  • 7.The cut on my leg bled a lot when I was hurt yesterday.

    The cut ----主语

    on my leg---- 介词短语做定语,修饰the cut

    bled--- 谓语

    a lot ---- 状语

    when I was hurt yesterday---- 时间状语从句

    其中 I--- 主语

    was hurt----- 谓语(被动语态)

    yesterday--- 状语

    9.I had previously__aided___(帮助)him in building the school.

    I ----主语

    had aided---- 谓语(过去完成)

    previously---- 状语

    him ----- 宾语

    in building the school----- 介词短语做状语

    10.Apart from those three very cold weeks in January,it has been a very__mild___(温和的)winter.

    apart from those three very cold weeks in January-----介词短语做状语

    it--- 主语

    has been---- 谓语

    a very mild winter--- 表语