英语翻译3Although crop growth is very responsive to several agro


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    Although crop growth is very responsive to several agronomic factors,kernel size and test weight are relatively stable.This is because many of these factors influence the growth of the crop early in development when compensation can take place between yield components which develop before kernel growth starts.The number of kernels per unit ground area will usually adjust according to the supply of photosynthetic assimilate by mechanisms such as tiller death and floret death; thus many crops have a similar supply of assimilate per kernel leading to stability of kernel size (Biscoe and Gallagher,1977).


    The exceptions are when crops undergo development before anthesis (flowering) in more favorable conditions than occur post-anthesis so that the kernel number is adjusted to a larger supply of assimilate than can be provided.Even in these situations small reductions in assimilate supply may be compensated for by increased remobilization of stem carbohydrate reserves (Schnyder,1993).If a reduction in assimilate supply after anthesis is too great to be compensated for by this mechanism there are two ways in which kernel growth can be affected depending on the time at which assimilate supply is restricted; either kernel size will be reduced,or grain will be shriveled.


    The maximum potential size and weight of wheat kernels is determined largely by the number of endosperm cells (Jenner et al.,1991).The endosperm undergoes cell division in the first 15-20 days after anthesis,and any factor which reduces photosynthesis and assimilate supply in this period will reduce cell number and therefore final kernel size.Maximum grain size is achieved at about the end of this period when much of the grain consists of water.

