大学英语试题怎么答221-25DCCDD 26-30 CDACD21、 A、 in; B、from; C、under;


  • 21-25ABAAB 26-30CCBBD

    21、A、For; B、In; C、On; D、From

    22、A、for; B、from; C、of; D 、with

    23、A、people; B、workers; C 、the young ; D、cities

    24、A、as; B、very; C、quite; D、so

    25、A、 when; B、where; C、how; D、why

    26、A、biggest; B、highest; C、narrowest; D、shortest

    27、A、few; B、so; C、such; D、those

    28、A、bigger ;B、smaller; C、deeper; D、wider

    29、A、take; B、make; C、go; D、cover

    30、A、hardly; B、yet; C、mere ; D、only


    1.A.proud B.account C.doubt D.couple

    2 .A.secure B.failure C.pure D.cure

    3.A.known B.shown C.thrown D.brown

    4.A.pink B.hint C.think D.drink

    5.A.pushed B.talked C.hoped D.phoned

    6、The United States of America has a population of over__C__.

    A、two hundred millions people; B、two hundred millions;

    C、two hundred million; D、two hundreds millions

    7、Tennis is a__A__invented by an Englishman a hundred years ago.

    A、game; B、play; C、event; D、match

    8、I __C__hands with him when he came in.

    A、gave; B、greeted; C、shook; D、offered

    9、She always buys ___D___my birthday.

    A、anything nice to; B、anything nice for;

    C、something nice to; D、something nice for

    10、The chair looks rather hard,but in fact it is very comfortable to__B__.

    A、sit; B、sit on; C、be sat; D、be sat on

    11、__D__ hard he tried,he could not lift it.

    A、Whichever; B、No matter; C、Although ;D、However

    12、I'll leave him a note __A__he may know where we are.

    A、so that; B、in order to; C、in order; D、for

    13、I asked him to__A__ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.

    A、spare; B、spend; C、save; D、share

    14、I __C__ an answer to my letter within a few days.

    A、hope; B、wait; C、expect; D、look forward

    15、"Who were those people with the banners?"

    "A group __A__itself the League for Peace."

    A、called; B、calling; C、calls; D、is called

    16、"What will you do during Christmas vacation?"

    "I don't know,but it's time__C__."

    A、I'm deciding; B、I'll decide;

    C、I decided; D、I'd decided

    17、Spanish people usually speak __C__than English people.

    A、quicklier; B、more quicklier;

    c、more quickly; D、quicker

    18、Having entered the room,the teacher__A__ the instrument on the device.

    A、laid; B、lay; C、lied; D、lays

    19、__D__Mrs.Johnson on my way to the shops.

    A、It happened me that I looked ;B、It happended me that I met;

    C、I happened to look; D、I happened to meet

    20、Mount Blanc,__B__ we visited last summer,is the highest mountain in Europe.

    A、where ;B、which; C、that; D、what

    21-25ABAAB 26-30CCBBD

    21、A、For; B、In; C、On; D、From

    22、A、for ;B、from; C、of; D、with

    23、A、people; B、workers; C、the young ; D、cities

    24、A、as; B、very; C、quite; D、so

    25、A、when; B、where; C、how; D、why

    26、A、biggest; B、highest; C、narrowest; D、shortest

    27、A、few; B、so; C、such; D、those

    28、A、bigger; B、smaller; C、deeper; D、wider

    29、A、take; B、make; C、go; D、cover

    30、A、hardly; B、yet; C、mere; D、 only