If you half-hearted caprice you also is not necessarily a lo


  • 这句话的意思是:若你三心二意 朝三暮四你也未必是输家.

    Love is like playing Russian square

    The god to give each of us the blocks are as much who wins who can do the Lord who negative

    If you concentrate front you might be playing very good but not necessarily be a winner

    If you half-hearted caprice you also is not necessarily a loser


    上天给我们每个人的积木都一样多 谁胜谁负谁也做不了主

    若你专心致志 心无旁骛你可能会打的很好 但未必是赢家

    若你三心二意 朝三暮四你也未必是输家