浙江版初一英语下册语法比如说IN和ON 日期 :特殊强调某一天时用on月份 :in星期 :in时间(上午,早晨什么的):


  • in front of :在物体外面的前面.

    in the front of :在物体里面的前面.

    a lot of = lots of (修饰可数与不可数名词)

    many :只可修饰可数名词

    much :只可修饰不可数名词

    be good at doing sth :擅长做某事

    be good with sb :对某人好

    help sb (to) do sth :帮助某人做某事

    help each other :互相帮助

    when I grow up :当我长大以后

    tell sb to do sth :告诉某人做某事

    tell sb about sth :告诉某人有关的事

    ask sb to do sth :叫某人做某事

    buy sth for sb :为某人买某物

    例:I buy a white sweater for my mother .

    buy sth from sb :从某人处买来某物

    例:I buy a white sweater from clothes store .

    sell sth to sb :卖某物给某人