

  • my opinions on true friends

    Everyone has his or her friends , but , friends have different kinds , for instance , some friends can help you on your study , some friends can help you on your dialy life . so , friends can be devided in seveial aspects , but , what kind of friend is true friends ?

    In my opinion , true friends first must know each other very much , he or she should know what you like and dislike , include what you like to eat ,what you like to drink ,and what you like to do ,and what you hate to do . and second , true friends should critises you when you do sth. wrong in front of a group of people , when you succeed , he or she will be happy to hear your success .and share the happiness with you ,but ,when you were sad , he or she will sorrow with you . true friends don't care how much money you have.true friends just care whether you happy or not .

    in a word ,a hedge between keeps friendship green