高一英语)attest 和 confirm 的区别


  • attest





    1.provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior,attitude,or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness"

    (synonym) certify ,manifest ,demonstrate ,evidence

    (hypernym) testify ,bear witness ,prove ,evidence ,show

    (hyponym) authenticate

    (derivation) attestation

    2.authenticate,affirm to be true,genuine,or correct,as in an official capacity; "I attest this signature"

    (hypernym) affirm ,verify ,assert ,avow ,aver ,swan ,swear

    (derivation) attestation

    3.give testimony in a court of law

    (synonym) testify ,take the stand ,bear witness

    (hypernym) declare

    (hyponym) vouch

    (derivation) attestation

    (classification) law ,jurisprudence

    4.establish or verify the usage of; "This word is not attested until 1993"

    (hypernym) show

    (verb-group) certify ,manifest ,demonstrate ,evidence

    (derivation) attestation



    1.证实,证明; 肯定,确认2.使巩固,加强3.批准; 认可4.使感觉强烈;使确信5.(给某人)施放坚振;施坚信礼6.使有效,确认7.【天主教】给…行按手礼,给…施坚信礼


    1.establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant"

    (synonym) corroborate ,sustain ,substantiate ,support ,affirm

    (hyponym) back ,back up

    (derivation) confirmation

    2.strengthen or make more firm; "The witnesses confirmed the victim's account"

    (synonym) reassert

    (hypernym) affirm

    (hyponym) uphold ,maintain

    (derivation) confirmation

    3.make more firm; "Confirm thy soul in self-control!"

    (hypernym) strengthen ,beef up ,fortify

    4.as of a person to a position; "The Senate confirmed the President's candidate for Secretary of Defense"

    (hypernym) approve ,O.K.,okay ,sanction

    (derivation) ratification ,confirmation

    5.administer the rite of confirmation to; "the children were confirmed in their mother's faith"

    (hypernym) covenant

    (classification) religion ,faith