英语完型I live in Watts in South Central L.A and I'm fat.


  • I live in Watts in South Central L.A.and I'm fat.My morn often buys hamburgers for dinner.I've tried to convince her many times to buy something 11 .But she just says she has no time to do it.So I have to make better 12 for myself.

    To learn more,I talked to Andres Chopin,a 13 at Jefferson High School who is taking part in an after-school program where students learn to 14 and are taught ways to eat healthy.Andres 15 that we eat whole foods like vegetables,fruit and whole grains instead of processed foods.He told me to prepare 16 for myself.I thought,“I may not be a good cook,but I can prevent myself eating things that are 17 for me.

    I learned from Andres to look more 18 at food labels for ingredients (成分) that are bad for me.Now I am more 19 of which foods to eat more and which to eat less.I've been eating more fruit and I'm getting better about not going into the 20 to see what there is to eat after I've already,eaten.

    Breaking a 21 that you've had since you were young is not easy.I want to lose weight the healthy way.With time and self-control I know I can 22 it.I can take looking into the 23 two ways—feeling bad about myself or encouraging myself to change.I choose to encourage myself.

    After a month I 24 10 pounds.The changes I've made 25 me to keep on going.I can still do better.

    11.A.delicious B.healthy C.handy D.expensive

    12.A.hobbies B.conclusions C.decisions D.regulations

    13.A.teacher B.worker C.shopkeeper D.student

    14.A.cook B.serve C.eat D.drink

    15.A.thought B.believed C.suggested D.persuaded

    16.A.fruit B.vegetables C.hamburgers D.food

    17.A.bad B.tasty C.convenient D.beneficial

    18.A.obviously B.carelessly C.closely D.easily

    19.A.fond B.afraid C.ignorant D.aware

    20.A.restaurant B.kitchen C.refrigerator D.cupboard

    21.A.record B.rule C.tradition D.habit

    22.A.abandon B.stop C.make D.take

    23.A.mirror B.plate C.table D.dish

    24.A.gained B.missed C.lost D.won

    25.A.inform B.encourage C.force D.forbid

    11 15 BCDAC 16 20 DACDB 21 25 DCACB