my sister speak enghish very well 完形填空


  • My mother speaks English very well,but she knows little Japanese.She

    went 1 Tokyoon November 11th 2 a meeting.The meeting was 3 on

    November 15th.4 morning she went to a park and then did shopping.5

    noon she was hungry.She went to 6 nearest restaurant and sat down at a

    table.A man came up to her and asked 7 she needed.She said she wanted

    noodles,chicken and vegetables.She 8 English to him,but the man did not

    know English.My mother 9 around.No one 10 noodles there,

    ( ) C.of D.from

    ( )2.A.for B.C.of D.with

    ( )3.A.end B.finish C.over D.covered

    ( )4.A.Next B.Next to C.The next D.In the next

    ( )5.A.At B.At the C.On D.On the

    ( )6.A.a C.the D./

    ( )7.A.what B.which D.that

    ( )8.A.said B.talked C.told D.spoke

    ( )9.A.looked at B.looked C.saw D.watched

    ( ) B.ate eating D.was eating

    答案1-5 BACCA 6-10 CADBD