

  • The One Whom I Thank

    To be frank,there are so many people existing on this planet that I want to thank,however,at this time of moment,the one that I want to appreciate to has already appeared in front of my eye,whose name is "the Chinese People's Liberation Army".

    They are the loveliest people.

    On 12th May,2008,an enormous and overwhelming disaster,a heavy earthquake suddenly attacted China,my motherland,and several provinces were involved,in which several towns were destroyed dissolvingly instantaneously.Thousands of lively peolpe were besieged or buried by concrete rubbish,and they needed help!They needed someone to pull them out!However,all paths to these towns were completely damaged by huge rocks down from the mountain.

    At the very urgent moment,The Chinese People's Liberation Army

    firstly came out boldly when the earthquake occured,and they went to any length to get to the core place of there towns.You will never believe how laborious they were and how inclement the environment is.That means,death is surrounding our loveliest people all the time.Nevertheless,our army showed their braveness and spirit of fearlessness and saved thousands of people's life.

    In a word,for all people in the world,I deeply and sincerely

    appreciate our army,the loveliest people,the Chinese People's Liberation Army.