

  • http://wenku.baidu.com/view/2166cea40029bd64783e2cbf.html上网查----复习重点


    1. Excuse me!

    2. Pardon! ( I beg your pardon?)

    3. Thank you (very much). / Thanks.

    4. Sorry, / I’m ( terribly/awfully) sorry.

    5. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/bye.

    6. This is XXX, and this is XXX.

    7. Nice/Glad/Pleased/Good to meet/see you. (too)

    8. What nationality are you? I am Chinese.

    9. What’s your job? /What do you do?

    10. How are you (doing)? Fine, thank you. And you?

    11. Whose shirt is this?/ Whose is this shirt?

    12. What colour is it?

    13. Come upstairs. / Go downstairs.

    14. How do you do? How do you do?

    15. What’s the matter with you? / What’s wrong with you?

    16. Which book do you want? / Which seasons do you like best?

    17. in the kitchen/room/garden

    18. on the right/left

    19. in the middle of the room

    20. on the wall

    21. make the bed/tea/coffee

    22. sweep the floor

    23. air the room

    24. What about/How about the dog?

    25. run across

    26. run after

    27. in a valley

    28. between two hills

    29. walk along

    30. swim across

    31. come out of

    32. go into

    33. What are you doing?

    34. What are you going to do?

    35. make a bookcase

    36. Here you are.

    37. Pink’s her favourite colour.

    38. do with

    39. in front of / in the front of

    40. be careful

    41. a piece/loaf/bar/tin/pound/cake/bunch/

    kilo/basket/bottle/glass/cup/dish of

    42. half a pound of / a quarter of a pound of

    43. over there

    44. next door

    45. black /white coffee

    46. to tell (you) the truth

    47. I don’t like the chicken either.

    48. Where are you from?/Where do you come from?

    49. What’s the climate/weather like in …..?

    50. in spring/summer/autumn/winter

    51. in the east/north/west/south

    52. It’s our favourite subject of conversation.

    53. go to school/work/bed/hospital/church/go home

    54. take sb to someplace

    55. stay at home

    56. eat one’s lunch/ have lunch/breakfast/dinner/supper

    57. read one’s newspaper

    58. by car /tax i/bus /bike /train /ship /sea /air /plane /boat ; on foot

    59. What time is it?/What’s the time?

    60. What else do you want?

    61. stay in bed

    62. call the doctor

    63. have a (bad) cold/headache/earache/

    toothache/stomach ache/backache

    64. have measles/mumps/have a temperature/fever/

    65. have / take some medicine

    66. rich food

    67. keep the room warm

    68. Can I have the key to the front door?

    69. enjoy oneself/have a good time

    70.at the butcher’s/ greengrocer’s /grocer’s / hairdresser’s /stationer’s / baker’s

    71. be absent from

    72. in the country

    73. Aren’t you lucky!

    74. How are you all keeping?

    75. hundreds / thousands / millions of

    76. at / in the race

    77. in the crowd

    78. on the way/by the way

    79. What’s sb like?

    80. answer the telephone

    81. speak to sb

    82. last night/week/month/year

    83. the week/month/year/night before last

    84. lose one’s way

    85. at the bust stop/bus station/train station/airport/fire station/police station

    86. ask sb the way

    87. say/talk to oneself

    88. Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?

    89. put….into

    90. take out

    91. What size?

    92. in fashion/out of fashion

    93. a pair of shoes/socks/gloves/pants/


    94. I’m afraid….

    95. make a shopping list

    96. a lot of / many /much

    97. have a bath/shower/swim/haircut/

    holiday/a walk/a look/a cigarette/a car crash

    98. I’m nearly ready.

    99. Excuse the mess.

    100. What’s on?

    101. on television

    102. Just like London!

    103. all the time

    104. What’s the number of the car?

    105. try to do sth/manage to do

    106. drive into

    107. for/on sale

    108. How much is it?

    109. Have the last word

    110. move in/into/out/out of

    111. miss sb

    112. miss the bus/catch the train

    113. give sb one’s best regards/wishes

    114. next-door neighbour

    115. fly to someplace

    116. the week/month/year/night after next

    117. over the bridge

    118. plenty of

    119. in five hours’ time

    120. belong to

    121. hurt one’s back

    122. at once/first/last

    123. write (a letter ) to sb

    124. speak up

    125. next to sb

    126. cheer up

    127. How do you spell “intelligent”?

    128. be full of

    129. want/tell/ask/advise sb to do sth

    130. as well=too

    131. less/more than

    132. What a pity/nuisance/mess/shame!

    133. buy …..on installments

    134. pay a deposit of ……..

    135. as…as/not (so) as….as

    136. get on/off the bus

    137. change a note

    138. Don’t believe her.

    139. on the floor

    140. look for

    141. turn of/off/up/down

    142. What’s up?

    143. go back to sleep

    144. forget to do sth/doing sth

    145. behind the counter

    146. put on/take off

    147. look out of

    148. have to do sth

    149. at least/at most

    150. wave to sb

    151. on a race track

    152. speed limit

    153. take one’s advice

    154. go abroad

    155. make up one’s mind (to do sth)/decide to sth

    156. look after=take care of

    157. in the end=at last

    158. make a new film/movie

    159. get married

    160. travel around the world

    161. see the world

    162. depend on

    163. be late for

    164. extra work

    165. make up one’s face

    166. be dressed in…..

    167. beauty spot

    168. look/walk through

    169. be covered with

    170. cigarette ends.