英语翻译请大家帮我把中文翻译成英文吧!一定要文法正确(最好不要用翻译机)(O):Good afternoon,Madam


  • O):Good afternoon,Madam.May I help you?


    (A):Yes.I left my sports shirt at your store when I was here this morning.


    I'm in urgent need of it.Please help me.



    OK!Take it easy!Please describe your sports shirt.


    It is blue,and there is a 'SP' logo on it.

    (O) 好吧!让我找找,.女士,这是不是你的运动衫?

    (O)OK.Let me find.Is this your sports shirt,madam?


    No,that isn't mine.My sports shirt is bigger than the one you are holding.


    Let me find again.What about this one?Is this yours?


    Yes,that is mine.Thank you very much.


    You're welcome

    2008-03-01 12:54:28 补充