跪求 以下单词的 两种 中文词义 和 它们的英语解释


  • deal:v.a.发牌;to give cards to each player in a game of cards

    b.买卖,经营;to buy and sell a particular product

    unless:conj.a.除非;used to say that sth can only happen or be true in a particular situation

    b.若非,如果不;used to give the only situation which sth will not happen or be true

    unfair:adj.a.不公正的,不公平的;not right or fair according to a set of rules or principles

    b.待人不公平的;not treating people equally

    affect:v.a.影响to produce a change in sth

    b.入侵,感染;to attack sb or a part of a person;make sb sick

    solve:v.a.解决;处理;to find a way of dealing with a problem or difficult situation

    b.破解;to find the correct answer or explanation for sth

    challenge:n.a.挑战,艰巨任务;a new or difficult task that tests sb's ability or skill

    b.挑战书,(比赛等的)邀请an invitaion or suggestion to sb that they should enter a competition,fight,etc

    regard:v.a.把...视为;to think about sth or sb in a purticular way

    b.注视,凝视;to look at sb or sht ,especially in a purticular way

    smart:adj.a.聪明的,机敏的;intelligent ,

    b.智能的;controlled by a computer ,so it appears to act in an intelligent way

    duty:n.a.责任,义务;sth that you feel you have to do it because it is your moral and legal responsibility

    b.值日,值班;the work that is your job

    instead:adv.a.代替,作为...的替换;in the place of sth or sb


