Do you always agree with your teachers 等等


  • Do you always agree with your teachers?Sometimes you have a different answer t __71 a math problem.Or perhaps they scold (训斥) you when you don’t think you did anything w 72 .

    What do you do then?A story said t ___ 73 more and more students are speaking out and even quarrelling w 74 their teachers.

    It’s good for students to say what they think.In the past,f 75 Chinese students dared speak back to their teachers.It was a rule that w 76 the teachers said is always right.But now students are beginning to think more b 77 themselves and dare to say what they want.

    But students should choose the right way to speak out.We should respect (尊敬) teachers.They are older t 78 you and have more experience.So,never u 79 rude words when you don’t agree with them.

    Try to find the right time to talk to your teacher.For e 80 ,discuss the problem after class.