A person‘s fate is determined by his/her personality.What is


  • In my opinon,A person's fate is determined by many factors,such as talent,braveness,confidence,luck,opportunity and so on.Obviously,a peroson's success is very complex,and this sentence is one-sided.However,there is no doubt that personality is one of the most important conditions for success.Dickens once said:"a sound personality,than a hundred wisdom is more strength." Character directly affects a person's behavior ,habits and so on .A good character allows you to have more opportunities,better psychological,more comfortable environment,closer to the success .

    In fact,a person's character does not matter good or bad,as well as the fate this determines ,.We can only say that a person should understand their nature,and live the life which is most suitable for himself,.I think it will be the best life and the best fate for him.I believe that everyone has the value of its existence,As long as you admit defeat,failure would not be the outcome of your life.Personality is just one reason of fate,don’t change youselves for others,just be yourself!