What a fool I was to do such a thing!
what a 连读 读作:water
such a 连读 读作sucher
suah a "a "应弱读
—What_________him to do such a silly thing?—I have no idea.
I really don’t know what to ______ about such a thing.A.say
-----l want to say A.such was that B.such was what c.what wa
you're such a fool such a such a
We _____do such a thing.
While I was at a loss what to do,
How t___________ it is to do such a dangerous thing!
It’s really not ___________ you to do such a silly thing. A.
Could you please ________ such a thing again? A.not to do B.
who --------a child would do such a thing?A.in addition to B