1、I have been to the Summer Palace yet.-----去掉to2、Kitty is going to visited Wangfujing Street next Sunday.----visited 改成visit3、Let's seeing a film this aftenoon.---seeing 改成see——Good idea!
英语句改错:1、I have been to the Summer Palace yet.
Have you been to the______yet?00
i am going to visit the summer palace00
I wish I had been shown around the Summer Palace.的省略句为I wish00
改写英语句子I am going to the Summer Palace with my parents.(改为否定句00
They walked to the Summer Palace yesterday.(同义句)00
Haveyoubeento()yet?Yes,I have already been to()?just been th00
They ______ the Summer Palace three times.选项:a、have gone to00
Have you been to yet?No,l haven' been to.yet.北京00
I have yet to find the answer.= I have not as yet found the00
Have you ever been to the zoo -Yes.I went there last summer.00