阅读并判断正误 题1.Millie is 14 this year. 2.Millie likes football v


  • 题1.{错的}(不是14岁,是13岁.因为文中提到:“ I'm thirteen years old.”【我13周岁】)

    题2.{错的}(因为文中未曾提及football,但是开头就说“I often play volleyball.”【我经常打排球.】)

    题3.{对的}(因为文中谈到:“For breakfast ,I always have some bread and an egg and I drink a glass of orange juice.”【至于早餐,我一直是吃一点面包和一个鸡蛋,并且我还要喝一杯橙汁.】)

    题4.{对的}(因为文中提到:“I really love apples,because ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’.”【我确实喜爱苹果,因为“一天一苹果,医生远离我”.】)

    题5.{对的}(因为文中提及:“For dinner,I often have soup,meat and vegetables.I like vegetables because they are fresh and healthy.”【至于晚饭,我经常喝汤,食用肉类以及蔬菜.我喜爱蔬菜,因为它们是新鲜的而且还是健康的.】)