THE SEVEN DEADLY SIN顾名思义,七宗罪。在这个世界里,每个人都有一种罪,这种罪不仅是罪,也是他们的
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作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载
THE SEVEN DEADLY SIN_1200字THE FIRSTSIN王城SIN的王城现在正在被PRDIE和GREED攻打,这是SIN最后的防线了。SIN的小公主,拥有一头银色中长发和一对异色眼眸(左金右紫)的樱苍光(160岁)正拉着自己母亲的衣袖再一次恳求道:“拜托了,妈妈,我也不小了,已经可以上战场了,就让我去吧。”“光,我是SIN的族长,也是这里的王,我不能离开王城。能走的只有你,你走了,我们SIN一族的血脉才不会断绝。光的母亲叹气着说道,“蓝染,拜托了,请把光带走吧,好好照顾她。”光的母亲对着出现的棕色头发和眼眸的蓝染说道。“是的,王,我一定会好好照顾她的。”蓝染沉重地说道,“光,我们该走了。”“不要啊,我不要离开妈妈!”光哭喊道。无奈之下,光的母亲只好一章劈向光的脖子,将她击晕后,抱给了蓝染。蓝染点了点头,跑了出去。过了一会儿,PRDIE和GREED的族长LUCIFER和MAMMON(文中的族长名都是一代一代相传的)分别带领着各自一族的族人闯了进来,LUCIFER说道:“EVA,投降吧,我们饶你一死。”EVA冷哼一声,说道:“我绝不会向你们这种只会暗中投毒的人投降的!”MAMMON古怪地笑一声,说道:“既然这个女人如此不识好歹,那就干脆把她杀了吧。”说完,瞬间向在对面的EVA攻去,而EVA早已将自己的能力聚在手处向LUCIFER攻去,LUCIFER显然万万没有想到EVA会向自己攻来,一时没防备,被打倒了腰部,震成了重伤。而EVA则因为将全部的力量攻击了LUCIFER并没有其他力量防备,所以被MAMMON的攻击打得奄奄一息。这时,MAMMON的士兵走到MAMMON身边说了什么,MAMMON的脸上立刻出现了怒色,厉声喊叫道:“你个该死的女人!樱苍光那个该死的家伙去哪儿了!?”EVA冷笑一声,说道:“呵,光早已在你们来之前就被蓝染带走了,现在估计已经到了别的部落去了,你们抓不到他们了。”说完,EVA因为扯动伤势又吐出了一口血。忽然,EVA坐直了身体,双手放在腿上,将力量全部聚集到了胸口。LUCIFEER见状喊道:“快跑,这个女人她要自爆了!”闻言,MAMMON赶紧往后跑。正在这时,正在聚集力量的EVA冷笑道:“晚了,你们逃不走了。”MAMMON和LUCIFER立马把能量汇集到胸前防御。但还是被波及到了,而他们的士兵却因为能力过于薄弱死的死伤的伤。这直接导致了PRDIE和GREED两族的力量大大减弱,族长也因为受了重伤调理了多日。被蓝染带离的光醒了过来。蓝染见状问道:“光,怎么样了,没事吧?”光回答道:“没事了,毕竟母亲那一下并不是劈的很重。”蓝染又问道:“接下来我们去哪儿?”光说道:“经过这一次的战争让我清晰地认识到了自己能力的不足,我希望去罪之学院学习,好报灭族之仇。蓝染,你会跟我一起吗?”说道这,光的不可见的微微颤抖了一下。蓝染笑道:“我当然会跟你一起的呀,别忘了我们还有契约在呢。”光听后,也笑道:“是呢,伴侣契约呢,这可是这里最牢固的契约呢!”“那么,你还在担心什么。”蓝染问道。光答道:“不,什么也没有了。”“永远在一起哦。”“啊,一定会的。”六年级:童茹楠作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载1200字 六年级
The essay_2000字How long has it, there is no such a person walked, with a lonely heart, close to the almost deserted soul. From the sea, the shuttle, the star was not found heart like air becometransparent.Hand tighten the reins of heart, let it slow running pace, moving slowly in this rich night, enjoy the natural and comfortable this long. Everything is so quiet, every beating heart then yiqiyifu,like in the story of their dream, their happiness, and I feel the sense of ease.Tonight the wind disappear conceal traces, there are too many feelings can not afford, escapemay not be a way out. But, I can escape? The night sky Wanli, Haramatsu Shiro month has become distant those dark clouds, peep all emotion this earth still exist. And I, already in the dayin high school, split the soul, out of all the feelings, and not a trace of nostalgia aside, abandon.This, that is to say, I will not be your emotions, there will be no so-called helpless, my everything,had broken into a bubble, never sticky spell.A few degrees of tears, steamed into missing, a dim view, wet memory, the residue in the heartside forget, forget yourself. The future, no time to think, time has been urging me to set sail, just do not know, I again the where? Years, seems to have experienced the vicissitudes of life, but Ihave at this time no direction, thrashing. This leaves me wandering no boat face high thischoppy waters has put the rusty anchor, because at the helm without heart, just like mechanicalgrowth, chasing buckish bubble like bizarre.I conclude with the heart, in the middle school on the road to write a hurry, forget a pacifying mypanic heart, then push me again. In order to let the insignificant dream bloom, so the exhausted heart again sails up, to go far away. The number of traps, the number of injured, how helpless,how much pain. Much of the night, a person lick inhibition at the wound, still climbing in themountain peaks to university, broken wings still stubborn with feet to measure this dream.There is no time to enjoy the scenery on both sides, in the absence of energy gradually or run,only occasionally fantasy clouds in the end of the heaven. This is the so-called "three"? Justthree trance feel like a dream, the dream life, more do not know in the end the dream awakes,whether I still remember the feeling of gratitude.This transient daydream, let my fear heart slightly flat, wry smile that summer was increasinglydull autumn. The spirit of the sky as a soft light, through the dim night, sent bursts of cool, gentle and the line of sight, this feeling. He had such as blood Mou class eyes, hearts with this idea:"Even if the depression, also toward the sun!"六年级:【沉默、闷骚】作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载1200字以上 六年级
The Kite风筝(青蛙和蟾蜍的一天)Frog and Toad went out to fly a kite. They went to a large meadow where the wind was strong. “Ourkite will fly up and up,”said Frog. “Itwill fly all the way up to the top of the sky.”青蛙和蟾蜍去放风筝,它们来到一个有大风的草原上。“我们的风筝会越飞越高的,”青蛙说,“它会飞到天顶上。”“Toad,”said Frog, “Iwill hold the ball of string. You hold the kite and run.”“蟾蜍,”青蛙说,“我拿着线团,你拿着风筝跑。”Toad ran across the meadow. He ran as fast as his short legs could carry him. The kite went up in the air. It fell to ground with a bump. Toad heard laughter. Three robins were sitting in a bush. 蟾蜍在草原上用自己的短腿使劲跑。风筝飞起来了,砰,又掉到了地上。蟾蜍听见了笑声。三只知更鸟在一棵矮树上落着。“Thatkite will not fly,”said the robins. “Youmay as well give up.”“那只风筝不会飞,”知更鸟说,“你最好放弃它。”Toad ran back to Frog. “Frog,”said Toad, “thiskite will not fly. I give up.”蟾蜍朝青蛙跑去。“青蛙,”蟾蜍说,“这风筝不会飞,我不放了。”“Wemust make a second try,”said Frog. “Wavethe kite over your head. Perhaps that will make it fly.”Toad ran back across the meadow. He waved the kite over his head. “我们必须再试一次,”青蛙说,“把风筝举过你头顶,也许风筝就会飞起来。”蟾蜍在草原上跑,它把风筝举过头顶。The kite went up in the air and then fell down with a thud. “Whata joke!”said the robins. “Thatkite will never get off the ground.”风筝飞起来了,砰,又掉下来了。“多么可笑呀!”知更鸟说,“那风筝从来不会离开地面。”Toad ran back to Frog. “Thiskite is a joke,”he said. “Itwill never get off the ground.”“Wehave to make a third try,”said Frog. “Wavethe kite over your head and jump up and down. Perhaps that will make it fly.”蟾蜍跑向青蛙。“这个风筝真可笑,”它说,“它从来不会离开地面。”“我们需要再试一次,”青蛙说,“把风筝举过头顶上下跳,也许风筝就会飞起来。”Toad ran across the meadow again. He waved the kite over his head. He jumped up and down.The kite went up in the air and crashed down into the grass. “Thatkite is junk,”said the robins. “Throwit away and go home.”蟾蜍又在草原上奔跑。它举着风筝上下跳。风筝飞了起来,又掉到了草地上。“那风筝是废物,”知更鸟说,“把它扔掉,回家去吧。”Toad ran back to Frog. “Thiskite is junk,”he said. “Ithink we should throw it away and go home.”“Toad,”said Frog, “weneed one more try. Wave the kite over your head. Jump up and down and shout UP KITE UP.”Toad ran across the meadow. He waved the kite over his head. He jumped up and down. He shouted, “UPKITE UP!”蟾蜍跑向青蛙。“这风筝是废物,”它说,“我想我们应该把它扔掉回家。”“蟾蜍,”青蛙说,“我们需要再试一次。把风筝举过你的头顶上下跳,喊:“上,风筝,上。”蟾蜍在草原上跑。它把风筝举过头顶上下跳,喊:“上,风筝,上!”The kite flew into the air. It climbed higher and higher. 风筝飞到了空中,越飞越高。“Wedid it!”cried Toad. “Yes,”said Frog,"Wewin!"“我们做到了!”蟾蜍说。“是的,”青蛙说,“我们赢了!”The robins flew out of the bush. But they could not fly as high as the kite. Frog and Toad sat and watched their kite. It seemed to be flying way up at the top of the sky. 知更鸟从矮树飞走了,但它们不像风筝飞得那么高。青蛙和蟾蜍坐下来看它们的风筝,看起来它已经飞到天顶上了。1200字以上 六年级 写人
The Three Teachers And The BaOnce upon a time。 There lived three teachers and a big bad student, he’s name was Ryan。 He hated school and was never good。 So the three teachers built their own school houses。Mrs。 Mcdonald built a paper school house; Mrs。 Fox built her school of hay; and Mrs。 Albright built her’s of stones。One day。 Ryan went to visit Mrs。 Mcdonald, when he got there he said: “Hello Mrs。 Mcdonald, can I come in?” No!!!” said Mrs。 Mcdonald, “Why?” “Because!” “Then I will get my pet goat Taylor to eat your school!” said Ryan。 Fine, Taylor champed, champed and champed until there is only a page left。Next day。 Ryan went to visit Mrs。 Fox, and he said: “Hello Mrs。 Fox, can I come in?” “No!!! Go away!” “Ok! Mrs。 Fox! I’ll let my pet horse Josh to eat your school!” Ryan said。 Fine, Josh champed, champed and champed until there’s nothing left。After。 Ryan went to visit Mrs。Albright。 Mrs。 Albright built a stone school house, so Ryan brought his woodpecker Garett。 “Hello, Mrs。 Albright, can I come in?” “No!!! I won’t let a bad student come to my school!” “Do not be sad Mrs。 Albright, because I will let Garett to peck on the stones! Remember, do not be sad!”said Ryan。 But Garett is not strong enough, so Ryan went home got his favourite hammer Jon and brought it back。 “Now I will use this hammer to knock your school! 1,2,3。…。。”“ow!!!!!!!” He cried “I smashed my toe!” and than Ryan ran home and said: “ I never be a bad student, I’ll be good。”THE END1000字 六年级 诗歌
战争(一)_400字“兄弟们,给我上啊!”随着宇的一声怒吼,士兵们冲上前去,展开一场激烈战争,骑兵摆开阵势,战争已经一片混乱。千军万马齐上,两国实力不分上下,都是军事能力极强的国家。影国长矛兵迅速封住了宇国的撤退线,宇发觉情况不妙,立即带着精锐骑兵向影国长矛兵冲去,没想到影国还有伏击弓兵,万箭齐发,多名骑兵从马上摔了下来,宇调动马头,连忙向盾兵那边奔驰而去。除了宇和刚才剩下的一点将领,剩余骑兵全都丧命,到盾兵那里之后,连忙吩咐盾兵使用龟甲阵,全面遮挡,猛然间,宇国大势已去,而影国已经略占一筹了,宇国军队也明白,有的已经溃散而逃,但逃出去的却没有几个,寥寥无几!宇很清楚他是赢不了了,于是就想方设法的要破开撤退线,突然,一支黑箭飞速射了过来,射中了宇的宝马,宝马”嘶“了一声,倒在了地上,宇是咬牙切齿的要报仇,他立刻带着数百名枪兵,他骑上马去,拿上了战盾,带头形成了三角阵,三角阵的特殊能力就是碰到敌人后,可以立即形成半包围,破阵率为百分之七十左右。六年级:钱炳烨作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载400字 六年级
Are you the one?_300字世界总是静悄悄的,静悄悄的,就像是书里的,风吹过的世界,总有东西在门前经过,我会偷偷地看,不管是男是女,是人是物,阴阴的天,黑压压的云,山雨欲来欲止,奇怪的是,向往的眀歌与花开,雨雪与春秋,似乎没有来过。我们的心思,都像小小的城,柳絮也许不会飞起来吧。东风无力吹起我们的发梢,夕阳无法映红我们扬起的嘴角,露出的白齿。太阳不出,流星雨从不洒,二者没有因果关系,但我们要美好的,所以坏的总是来了。生疏的语言和巧妙的措辞,绿色的树荫和黑色的叶子,映衬成章,白桦,梓木。水泥的陆地,抑或是沥青,都丧失了本质,为了方便吧。散布在天边,轻轻地仰头,就是一片灰色,是一场溦吧。遮掩的双目,看不到的彼此,没有意义。斑斓的灰色。我在你的耳畔,轻轻地说:“看天空。”初二:羽冬作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载300字 初二 散文
My the beief intoductioDear friends.How are you.My name is Cai lian.Iam from China.Ian eleven.Iam primary school student.Iam in class three,Grade five.There are four people in my family.They are my father,mymother,my brother and I.My mother is a tailog.She iskind and beautiful.My father is a farmer.My brother.He is Five.We love our fatherand mother.And they love us.We are a happy family.300字 五年级 叙事
蝶_400字我喜欢蝴蝶,喜欢她的美丽,喜欢它那婀娜的姿态,喜欢它在花间轻盈地舞姿。蝴蝶小的时候是一条毛毛虫,样子十分可怕,当她经过蛹变后,是那样美丽、动人,如果用“士别三日,当刮目相看”来形容她,一点也不过分。每当我看见蝴蝶时,她总是深深的吸引着我……一次,我在花丛中玩耍,无意间发现了一只蝴蝶,她的“彩衣”十分美丽:翅膀上有着明丽的朱红色,两边各有一个黑色的小斑点,翅膀的尾部渲染着淡淡的海蓝色,从远处看,海蓝色变深了;从近处看,海蓝色变浅了。真是妙啊!蝴蝶停歇在花丛间,翅膀微微地扇动着,很满足的样子。我曾经幻想成为一只蝴蝶,与其它同伴在百花丛中快乐地舞蹈。晚上,风轻轻地吹着,花儿成了我的摇篮……我喜欢蝶,喜欢看她在花间轻盈地舞姿!300字 四年级
黑暗_400字我不像一些人那样害怕黑暗,我只愿我能融入那黑黑的夜中。我愿葬在黑暗中摒弃所有光亮,我愿消失在那寂静的夜中放掉一切繁华;我只想走过那刺眼的光亮,尽情的在黑暗中遨游;静静的,听到了那些辱骂,但我仍不会回头;默默的,我走过高山,走过湖泊,走过心中的波澜壮阔;渐渐的,好似已被人遗忘,我还在往前走着;想逃离,怕看见,在一切美好后的丑恶;我不停歇,不软弱,我一步步的走;我只愿我可以赶到那光与暗的边缘。一头扎进那沉沉的黑暗中。我愿做黑暗中的一只小小的精灵,帮助我爱的人们度过苦难;我愿做黑暗中的一只小小的百灵鸟,叫醒被噩梦折磨着的人们;我愿做黑暗中一朵小小的丁香,散发着淡淡的香;我想我只有在黑暗中才是真正的我;我只愿能浸在黑暗中,让黑暗洗涤我身上一切的丑恶。高三:姬若溪作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载300字 高三 散文
传 奇_400字她倚在桃花盛开的窗前草色青青春意入微一盏香茗几缕闲愁不经意间碎发滑落肩头溅起阳光翩飞的剪影鹅羽般棉柔的微光悄然晕染她消瘦的背影恍如无数个相同的清晨难掩疲惫的身影厨房隔间微弱的橘黄色似在心间点抹一朵花蕊几番沉醉梦中几许醉情温柔我把你的眼神拟作飞鹤绮羽雪色亮丽了整个昏黑的心湖我把你的语调媲美落泉银绸锦缎绝胜那咏赞的九曲梵歌像一阵细雨洒落我心底这感觉如此神秘我不禁抬起头看着你那一眼的深情仿佛穿越几个世纪开天辟地潮涨潮息在天愿作比翼鸟在地愿为连理枝我愿随你的身影沉醉于我梦中也渴求你为我祈祷愿那柔情为我加冕你还是我童话中的天马但我早已不是那个需要你保护的孩子这次换我给你装上新的翅膀延续你崭新的传奇——致我的母亲初三:徐宜捷作文网专稿 未经允许不得转载300字 初三 诗歌